This is a quick post from the openSUSE live cd that I received with my recent issue of Linux Format Magazine. I am publishing because I am so impressed by what this distro has to offer, I am pondering chucking Ubuntu for this green monster.
I am most impressed with the Kinfocenter where running processes, real-time memory usage and much more information is displayed. I know, I know, Ubuntu has these tools, I simply like these tools better.
I am most impressed, however, with YaST Control Center (the administrator section). The folks at openSUSE have made it so easy to configure all types of network services I feel like a dummy for not having given this distro more of a chance in the past. I have tried openSUSE before, but I guess this time the good folks have their stuff together because this release (11.4) is top-bloody-notch! And, I normally hate KDE. Well, done, folks!
Another distro on the junk pile...Ubuntu, we hardly knew you.